Saturday, January 22, 2011

watching those girls grow means so much to me.

one of my students fixing her first position, as she says "heels kiss, toes apart"

I've been helping out with dance classes at my studio about a year after I started dancing there. Today I realized how precious each and every one of these kids are. I've been blessed to watch them grow as beautiful little dancers.Looking back on all the good times really makes me tear up. From the first class of any class, the crying because they didn't want mom to abandon them with these weird people in pink. To learning about good good toes, and bad bad toes. Playing pretend was so much fun, being butterflies, and ice skating across the studio in the wintertime but also learning while we play. Learning how to count in french and how to say "Merci" when we get our stickers at the end of class. To see their face light up when they accomplish a new step is so rewarding, and looking back its even more emotional to see how far they have all come. They have learned so much, and hopefully have been inspired to reach higher and achieve even more with their dancing This being my last year that I will be with this studio and with these great kids makes me sad. But their little dancing feet will always tread on my heart. Most people will only see all the joy and accomplishment that I as a teacher have given them, but only I can feel all the joy these girls have given me.

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