Saturday, January 22, 2011

Ive figured it out!

what I've wondered since I became a social being: Why on earth don't I have a best friend? (or any friends for that matter) Let me explain:
1.) I am socially awkward. this probably stems from my: being the only girl in my household all my life, being an artist, and oh yeah, not ever having a best friend, or a normal social life.
2.) I never try to make plans, and when I do people get kinda freaked out by it and bail. I'm not sure if its my messy house, my crazy family, or the fact that i am weird that people are kinda apprehensive about hanging out with me. For this reason I don't like to make plans with people.
3.) I don't mind being alone. even when I am surrounded by people i tend to space out and start thinking of something, like I'm by myself. I sometimes spend whole weekends at my house doing whatever i find interesting, mostly artsy stuff, watching tv or movies, or cleaning. being that alone should bother people.
4.) I have an subtle irrational fear of people feeling like I'm intruding their friendships.Let's face it. everyone already has a best friend. So if I were to try to get myself one, I would be interfering in someones friendship. Even though people don't outright say it, I can sometimes feel the jealously and I will want to immediately back out of the situation, cause I'm a pansy.
5.) I'm "busy". This is one that I use to convince myself its not my fault I don't have friends. In actuality it's not true. Yes I do have a substantial amount of things I do on a regular basis, like clubs, and dance and work and homework, but I also DO have a lot of time I spend alone; weeknights, and weekends.
6.) I sometimes feel like I don't deserve a best friend. I sometimes get in a mopey mood and ignore everything and everyone. Therefore I don't deserve a friend because I'm not emotionally "available" sometimes. I don't want to commit to a friendship, then get in a mopey mood and let a person down, (or have to try to explain to them what's "wrong") that's not fair to them. So i spare the world from being my friend, cause I wouldn't be a good one.
7.) I'm too honest, and too direct. When people come to me with a problem I tend to give them direct advice. I think people are turned off by the simplicity of the solution, because they want to draw out the emotion of the issue. I am straight to the point and strong headed. People like to fish around for attention, or compliments when they tell you they have a problem. They are offended when I give them a straight solution.
8.) I sometimes fear meeting new people I feel like I have a really strong personality, and during school I try to tone that down because I don't want to freak people out. I do the same thing when I meet someone new, or I'm in a room of people I don't know well. I feel like If I'm 100 percent Katie when I meet someone new, they will be turned off by me because I come on too strong. They probably think to themselves " who is this crazy girl and why is she here?"
9.) I over-analyze people. I love giving advice and helping people, so naturally I go looking for their problems. Sounds bad, I know. I don't sit there and nag or go snooping through their life, I just listen to them, and think for myself what they really want, and what bothers them. this reason is kind of what confuses me about not having a friend. I feel like a person with this much caring about others is what friendship is all about. no. people don't want someone to solve their problems, or give advice, they want someone to follow them around, listen to all their problems and day to day struggles and say "no your not fat", "wow your life really does suck", "that guy that was a jerk to you is an asshole", "shut up you look pretty" and nothing else. People don't want more than that. I give too much. and I cant help it.
10.) I don't want a best friend. there's something in me that fears having a best friend. I don't know what my reasoning is. It makes no sense I know. I think I like people, and I like being social but I also like to be able to get away from them when they annoy me, I fear that with a best friend I cant easily run away.

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