Sunday, February 27, 2011

"She's asking for it"

why do some people believe  rape victims were at least partially to blame for their attacks? This UK campaign believes otherwise. Women should be able to act, and dress as they please without the fear of being raped. This Campaign adresses that and gives these people a run for their money. The Rape Crisis in Scotland has launched the “Not Ever” campaign — the title referring to when, exactly, a rape victim is actually to blame for a rape... NOT EVER!

I thought this was inspiring, I believe also, that the US should be informed of this. Heres the ad that this campaign has released. It's genius.

Here is what I love about this ad: it treats rape apologist attitudes as a problem, regardless of whether or not they refer to a specific rape. There is no indication in the commercial that the woman has actually been raped. There is no indication that she will be raped. There is no indication that the man who makes the “she’s asking for it” comment is actually planning on raping her, or anyone else, for that matter. And still, in spite of all of this, his comments are dangerous, they have a real impact, and they are worthy of our attention. They’re worthy, in fact, of a PSA about how incredibly fucked up they are. All on their own.

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